Vendor: Sanks SeriesSank Journey To Thailand Exhibition Customized By:Palette Artspace Designer:Shaun Guo (Huiyang Guo) Exhibition Dates:January 22, 2025 - February 2, 2025 Address:Palette Artspace, Sukhumvit 55, Bangkok. Featuring: @petmaneenilsai@jabstudioofficial@kolahonn@lialy.studio@a.luckydoggs@knn.five@carlacustom_repaint@wa.sculpturestudio@huuyaow@kaarok_@artofhongtae@h7ddns@tanstar.artist@fatkidclub.studio@ngaew.ngaew@madkidsth@poriin_poriin@7same@Warrrrrr studio @poriin_poriin
- Rebirth
- Kocha! Catches a Cloud
- The power of nature
Vendor: Sanks SeriesSank Journey to Vietnam Exhibition Customized By:Toyist Zone Designer:Shaun Guo (Huiyang Guo) Exhibition Dates:January 11- January 25, 2025 Address:Toyist Zone (200/3 Nguyen trong tuyen street, ward 8, Phu Nhuan, Ho Chi Minh city) Featuring: @what_is_that_i_dont_know@bui.the.hien@xekocalm@kama.aaaaaaaaaaa@blast.nocap@klesh_16@ork____a@tiessgc@makubetstudio@jians@kaira.sofvi_toys@jayr.tran@khimdangkhim@dathip195@toyniversebyartkey@nguyenhuuthang.thang@cresk.wo@kengcao
- Fly Together
- Hidden feeling
Vendor: Sanks SeriesSank Down Under Exhibition Customized By:Doll House Gallery Exhibition Dates:July 12(Fri.)- August 5(Mon.), 2024 Address:289 LYGON ST. BRUNSWINCK EAST, MELB. Designer:Shaun Guo (Huiyang Guo) Featuring: @teenyfletcher@facter@jenuinefuntoys@zombie_optimus@indesign.ran@memyselfmonster@wendyolsenart@underlandcosmicstudio@ggnwtoys
- Lonely Colossus-insomnia by Teeny Fletcher
- Gone With The Wind by Teeny Fletcher
- By Jenuine Fun Toys/Jen Rochford
- Dancing Alone by Jenuine Fun Toys/Jen Rochford
Vendor: Sanks SeriesSank Tank&Dahlia Custom Event Presented By:Smeye World Designer:Shaun Guo (Huiyang Guo) Artists include:@rombits@evildave1969@arejaydesigns@klav9
- Backpack Boy-evildave1969
- Backpack Boy-evildave1969 Ⅱ
- Backpack Boy-rombits
- Backpack Boy-rombits Ⅱ
Vendor: Sanks SeriesSank Muse Custom Event Presented By:The Isle of Misfit Toys Designer:Shaun Guo (Huiyang Guo) Featuring:Christina Cooper@deathlycutetoysHeather Hyatt@owlberrylaneMichelle Delgado@ghostfoxtoysKendra Thomas@kendrascustomsPriscilla Marquez@priscillasarte We will be donating a portion from this entire to show to ArtTableInc, the leading nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing the leadership of women in...
- Cloud Wave_ghostfoxtoys
- Little Devil-owlberrylane
- The Departed-kendrascustoms
- Can’t drown demons-deathlycutetoys
Vendor: Sanks SeriesSank Arise Custom Event Presented By:Spastic Collectibles Designer:Shaun Guo (Huiyang Guo) Featuring:@creaturemaker_toys@toymanjohnny@playfulgorilla@katacustoms@s.v.n.0.2@trashpandatoys We will highlight 1 artist and their works each day leading up to the sale. However, if you would like to see the pieces now, they are available for viewing on the site...
- Smolder-creaturemaker_toys
- Reborn-s.v.n.0.2
- Fire Phoenix-katacustoms
- Winged Phoenix-katacustoms
Vendor: Sanks SeriesSank Sunshine Deep Depths Exhibition By:Strange Cat Toys Designer:Shaun Guo (Huiyang Guo) June 25th Strangecat GalleryTampa, FL2pm est and online sales start at 5pm estFree to attend Artistlineup: @2nes_unoe @4theluvofeverything @5thturtle @beaniebat @cat.atomic @chrisrwk @czee13art @fluffriot @fustamps @hot_actor_ @ibreaktoys @illsurge @jryuart @the_jfo @kendrascustoms @michaelcampbellart @mrkumkum @ngaewngaew.official @nugglife @oddtattoos @inprimewetrust @rxseven @officialserganddestroy @tomodachiisland @vanessa_ramirez
- Just Breathe-J★RYU
- Interstellar-Se7en
- Wilding-Michael Campbell
- Blue Wonder-Cat Atomic
Vendor: Sanks SeriesSank Somewhere Beneath The Sea Exhibition By:This is not a Toy Shop Designer:Shaun Guo (Huiyang Guo)
- Golden Child-Dave Behrens
- Hot Tamale-Mr.Nik
- Slimysteve-John D-C
- Sunken Skele Child-Cube Boy
Vendor: Sanks SeriesSank LonelyTogether Exhibition Customized By:MOYO Gallery Designer:Shaun Guo (Huiyang Guo) Featuring: @Bayla@CruxDelgado@JimLoPresti@OwlBerryLane@VanserToys@Noah Eaton@Urah@MotleyMiscreations@ValleydWeller@UncleStudio
- The Void-Bayla
- The Void-CruxDelgado
- The Void-JimLoPresti
- The Void-OwlBerryLane
Vendor: Sanks SeriesSank LonelyTogether Exhibition Customized By:MOYO Gallery Designer:Shaun Guo (Huiyang Guo) Featuring: @Rombits@Evildave1969@CruxDelgado@Jcorptm@Klav9@Musculus@OneEyed@OwlBerryLane@The JFO@UncleStudio@VanserToys@Zukaty
- Backpack Boy-Rombits
- Backpack Boy-CruxDelgado
- Backpack Boy-Musculus
- Backpack Boy-OneEyed
Vendor: Sanks SeriesSank LonelyTogether Exhibition Customized By:MOYO Gallery Designer:Shaun Guo (Huiyang Guo) Featuring:@Klav9
- Blue
- Black
Vendor: Sanks SeriesSank LonelyTogether Exhibition Customized By:MOYO Gallery Designer:Shaun Guo (Huiyang Guo) Featuring: @Rombits@Bayala@Ricstroh@UhhsureMonsters@GhostFoxToys@Klav9
- Dancing Alone-Rombits
- Dancing Alone-Bayala
- Dancing Alone-Ricstroh
- Dancing Alone-UhhsureMonsters
Vendor: Sanks SeriesSank LonelyTogether Exhibition Customized By:MOYO Gallery Designer:Shaun Guo (Huiyang Guo) Featuring: @Cat.atomic@Clav9@Mr.Mars
- Gone With The Wind-Cat.atomic
- Gone With The Wind-Clav9
- Gone With The Wind-Mr.Mars
Vendor: The BoySunshine & Deep Depths The Boy x 4theluvofeverything Designer:Shaun Guo (Huiyang Guo)
Vendor: The BoyThe Boy Series The Boy x Fluff Riot Designer:Shaun Guo (Huiyang Guo)
Vendor: The BoySunshine & Deep Depths The Boy x 5th Turtle Designer:Shaun Guo (Huiyang Guo)
Vendor: The BoySunshine & Deep Depths The Boy x Chris RWK Designer:Shaun Guo (Huiyang Guo)
Vendor: The BoySunshine & Deep Depths The Boy x 2NES UNOE Designer:Shaun Guo (Huiyang Guo)
Vendor: The BoySunshine & Deep Depths The Boy x Mr Kum Kum Designer:Shaun Guo (Huiyang Guo)
Vendor: The BoySunshine & Deep Depths The Boy x Prime Designer:Shaun Guo (Huiyang Guo)
Vendor: The BoySunshine & Deep Depths The Boy x Czee Designer:Shaun Guo (Huiyang Guo)
Vendor: The BoyThe Boy Series The Boy x Hot Actor Designer:Shaun Guo (Huiyang Guo)
Vendor: The BoySomewhere Beneath the Sea The Boy x Wendyosenart - The King Designer:Shaun Guo (Huiyang Guo)
Vendor: The BoySomewhere Beneath the Sea The Boy x Mechamojo & Kane_Melbourne Me and my Shadow Designer:Shaun Guo (Huiyang Guo)
Vendor: The BoySomewhere Beneath the Sea The Boy x KAYO - JASON Designer:Shaun Guo (Huiyang Guo)
Vendor: The BoyThe Boy Series The Boy x ZNGTOYS - RED Designer:Shaun Guo (Huiyang Guo)
Vendor: The BoyThe Boy Series The Boy x Ken Cain - Wheritance Designer:Shaun Guo (Huiyang Guo)
Vendor: The BoyThe Boy Series The Boy x Trash Talk Toys - The Shroom Bandil Designer:Shaun Guo (Huiyang Guo)
Vendor: The BoyThe Boy Series The Boy x Nakita Kruik - Crying Designer:Shaun Guo (Huiyang Guo)