SankToys x LINE FRIENDS "Dving into the Inner Ocean" Exhibition
SankToys x LINEFRIENDS 心海之境 限时特展
Together with Line Friends,we present you a special solo show in this summer.
In the midst of this bustling city, lies a serene innner ocean in you, The sea breeze gently caresses, and the waves softly lap, bringing a refreshing ambiance. Line friends、Sank and the Boy await you by the shore, Join us in exploring this show, and embrace the beauty of this summer.
展期:2023.8.6 – 2023.8.21 @10:00-18:00
上海市长宁区愚园路1107号1号楼 2层 MEET U艺术空间
Date:10:00-18:0 06-21 August 2023
Venue:Floor 2 Building1 No.1107 Yuyuan Road Shanghai Meet You Gallery