#1《六年的变化 / Six Years of Unfolding Changes》
20 Mar 2023
Six Years of Unfolding Changes
六年前的你 和 六年后的你
哪些依然如故 哪些物是人非,欢迎留言给我们
哪些依然如故 哪些物是人非,欢迎留言给我们
The you from six years past and the you now.
What's still the same, and what's changed in your life? Share your stories, We'll turn it into Paintings, a little gift for special you.
What's still the same, and what's changed in your life? Share your stories, We'll turn it into Paintings, a little gift for special you.

In the blink of an eye, Sank has been with us for six years, Time, imparting multiple meanings to life, Like a long journey, As time flows, the scenery along the way changes, Flipping through the album of memories, The echoes of reminiscence resonate in the mind, What has faded into the past, and what has come to light. The wanderings and aspirations of six years ago (2018), The reality and unknowns of six years hence (2023), As the stars shift, we meet here.
If we could capture your story through painting, Would you be willing to share the changes in "you" over these six years? What remains the same... What has changed with time...
If we could capture your story through painting, Would you be willing to share the changes in "you" over these six years? What remains the same... What has changed with time...

From 匿名者
In 2018, I started dealing with depression. The main trigger was a mishap involving a cat named "Huajiao" She meant a lot to me, probably the best cat I've ever known. Sadly, she passed away. Her loss hit me hard, and I felt like giving up on life.
Following a friend's advice, I started therapy, took meds, had check-ups, and changed medications to deal with depression. I took pills until 2021, and due to the pandemic, I had to stop. Somehow, I got through the tough withdrawal period. During this time, back in my hometown in Hebei, I got into raising cats again, rescued a few, and remotely helped some cats. It felt like I was making up for something. After starting a new job in Beijing last year, I found a big orange cat downstairs, and we've been inseparable since. So, with three cats back home and one by my side, I feel like the reason to keep going comes directly from them.
Some might think it's a big deal over nothing, but hey, animals don't lie. You can feel their purest love. And, I want to replace the regrets for "Huajiao" with more love, given to the cats who saved me.
Following a friend's advice, I started therapy, took meds, had check-ups, and changed medications to deal with depression. I took pills until 2021, and due to the pandemic, I had to stop. Somehow, I got through the tough withdrawal period. During this time, back in my hometown in Hebei, I got into raising cats again, rescued a few, and remotely helped some cats. It felt like I was making up for something. After starting a new job in Beijing last year, I found a big orange cat downstairs, and we've been inseparable since. So, with three cats back home and one by my side, I feel like the reason to keep going comes directly from them.
Some might think it's a big deal over nothing, but hey, animals don't lie. You can feel their purest love. And, I want to replace the regrets for "Huajiao" with more love, given to the cats who saved me.
From Anonymous

2018年,那个稚嫩的男孩步入高中,也开始了之后漫长的异乡求学之路,那时他进入了青春期,也萌生了对爱情的憧憬,但他知道学习的重要,也知道他所谓的爱情,在那时不容易被大家所接受,他通过学习伪装自己的想法,虽成绩平平,但他没有气馁,他结识了一群好朋友,在枯燥的学习氛围中,也能欢声笑语,笑对生活,高一高二的日子好似平淡,突如其来的COVID打断了原先的节奏,时间仿佛静止,回到家中整天在书桌一隅忙着功课,疫情下压抑的氛围,以及少年与大人之间的隔阂越发压的他喘不过气,终于有一天他坚持不住了,身边没有朋友的他不知如何向母亲开口,他在母亲肩头痛哭,泪水染湿了母亲的衣襟,也释然了少年的心结:母亲知道了少年的不同,但她没有质疑,没有谩骂,她默默地支持着少年,只因她希望他能幸福地笑对生活,少年也有了家的避风港。疫情缓和,转眼高三也到了,在学校他更加努力的学习,班主任成为了他的知心姐姐,平时严肃的班主任在他眼中竟如挚友,每日课余,他和朋友们的欢声笑语更加开朗,学习有时虽稍有不如意,但一切都向好的方向发展。2021年夏,他踏入了高考考场,他怀着忐忑的心结束了第一次人生大考,他知道,他努力了,上天一定会眷顾努力的小孩。他去了重点大学,继续憧憬着大学生活,但一切好像并非那么顺心顺意,他在大学找不到自己的挚友,学习的压力依旧压得他喘不过气,他更加渴望爱情,心想能遇到自己的Mr right, 在这个复杂的圈子里,但他的运气好像耗尽了,他似仲永,悯然众人,没有优秀的成绩,没有健康的社交,向上的心态也一点点消蚀殆尽,他渴望回到高中,起码那个时候,他还有快乐相伴。2023到了,男孩已经快大三了,今年他好像看到了爱情,但转瞬即逝,他还喜欢着他,但他不知道还有没有人喜欢他,他逐渐看明白了,活着是为了自己,是为了让自己能笑得更灿烂。少年重拾行囊,继续踏上他的征途,只为寻觅自己的快乐与梦想。
From 匿名者
In 2018, the teenager entered high school, embarking on a long journey of studying in a different place. At that time, he entered adolescence, harboring aspirations for love. However, he knew the importance of academics and realized that his idea of love might not be easily accepted by others. He disguised his thoughts through studying, and although his grades were average, he didn't give up. He made good friends, bringing laughter to the dull study atmosphere. The days of junior and senior year seemed ordinary until the sudden disruption caused by COVID. Time seemed to stand still, and back home, he spent days buried in his books, feeling the oppressive atmosphere of the pandemic.
One day, unable to endure it any longer, he broke down in tears on his mother's shoulder. His tears soaked her clothes, but they also washed away the boy's emotional burdens. His mother learned about his sexual preference, but instead of questioning, she silently supported him, hoping he could face life with a happy smile. The boy found a sanctuary in his family. As the pandemic eased, senior year arrived. He dedicated himself to his studies, and his teacher became his best friend. After school, the cheerful banter with friends grew even livelier. Though there were occasional academic challenges, everything was heading in a positive direction.
In the summer of 2021, he stepped into the gaokao examination hall. He knew he had worked hard, and he believed that his efforts would be recognized. He entered one of the best university, continuing to dream of college life. However, things didn't go as smoothly as he hoped. He struggled to find close friends in college, and academic pressure continued to weigh him down. He yearned even more for love, hoping to meet his Mr. Right in this complex world. But luck seemed to run out. He felt like lamenting among the crowd, lacking outstanding achievements and healthy social interactions. His upward mentality slowly eroded, and he longed to go back to high school, at least a time when he had joy.2023 arrived,this year, he thought he glimpsed love, but it was fleeting. He still liked the guy, but he didn't know if anyone still liked him. Gradually, he realized that living was for himself, to make his own laughter more radiant. The young man packed his bags again, continuing his journey, only to seek his own happiness and dreams.
One day, unable to endure it any longer, he broke down in tears on his mother's shoulder. His tears soaked her clothes, but they also washed away the boy's emotional burdens. His mother learned about his sexual preference, but instead of questioning, she silently supported him, hoping he could face life with a happy smile. The boy found a sanctuary in his family. As the pandemic eased, senior year arrived. He dedicated himself to his studies, and his teacher became his best friend. After school, the cheerful banter with friends grew even livelier. Though there were occasional academic challenges, everything was heading in a positive direction.
In the summer of 2021, he stepped into the gaokao examination hall. He knew he had worked hard, and he believed that his efforts would be recognized. He entered one of the best university, continuing to dream of college life. However, things didn't go as smoothly as he hoped. He struggled to find close friends in college, and academic pressure continued to weigh him down. He yearned even more for love, hoping to meet his Mr. Right in this complex world. But luck seemed to run out. He felt like lamenting among the crowd, lacking outstanding achievements and healthy social interactions. His upward mentality slowly eroded, and he longed to go back to high school, at least a time when he had joy.2023 arrived,this year, he thought he glimpsed love, but it was fleeting. He still liked the guy, but he didn't know if anyone still liked him. Gradually, he realized that living was for himself, to make his own laughter more radiant. The young man packed his bags again, continuing his journey, only to seek his own happiness and dreams.
From Anonymous

From 匿名者
Six years past, there was a bed, a soft haven where dreams unfolded with the gentleness of clouds. Now, in the present, no bed seems to cradle me into sleep. Whether it's the softest mattress or the firmest, my mind echoes with a constant buzz, rejecting the serenity of both day and night. What treasures have these six years of navigating society yielded? Simple weariness and tears that flow effortlessly, composing a melody of fatigue and emotional turbulence.
From Anonymous