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#2《你是否见过或亲历过来自世界的恶意 / Have you seen or experienced the malice from this world》

by Kevin Guo 27 Apr 2023 1 comment


Have you seen or experienced the malice from this world?

Maybe you're going through or have seen the world's cruelty. Let light conquer the darkness.Share your stories, We'll turn it into Paintings, a little gift for special you.

Are we the world's bullies, or bullied by the world?  Slander, mockery, misunderstanding, coercion, insult, and even open violence. Those corners hidden from light show the true face of darkness. In the midst of the same fiery times, the people around fail to connect in moments of despair. Maybe you're going through it or have seen it, or it's become an unforgettable wound in memory. Often, bullying has no logic, just a gathering of unwarranted malice.  Share your voice against bullying. When the dim light focuses, that's the bright moment. This time, be your free self. Share your stories, We'll turn it into Paintings, a little gift for special you.



From 小疾庸

Malice, a shadow in my past, never managed to pierce my heart. Memories of malice remain elusive. Instead, goodwill, akin to a plush cotton candy cloud, or tender, angelic wings, embraced me. Beneath these acts of kindness, I perceive a world painted in vibrant hues.



From 匿名者

Got this vivid memory from my first-grade days. Got in trouble for chatting in class and had to stand in the corner as punishment even after school hours. It was 6 PM when my dad arrived and found me crying all by myself in a corner. He went off on my teacher. Next day, the teacher threw my book at me and told everyone not to hang with me. That whole school year, I was a loner with no friends .I didn't tell my family either. Untill the second grade, that's when my mom got to know. But the damage was done, and it changed me, made me more introverted.



From 锵锵锵锵

At dad's funeral, relatives are claiming it's for grandma and grandpa's inheritance, not even leaving a single car!


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