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#11《我将宇宙随身携带/I carry the universe within me.》

by Kevin Guo 25 Jun 2024 0 Comments

Start with “I carry the universe within me.” Write your poem below.
Write little stories about yourself in the mundane days—imagined visuals or momentary experiences.We'll turn it into Paintings, a little gift for special you.


灿烂在我的目光 暖阳白日里洒下光



游行的人成了银河 我穿梭 碰撞

每一次放一点光芒 不慌张也不匆忙


In a world where the paths I tread bloom with flowers,

their brilliance reflecting in my eyes, the warm sunlight spills over me like a silent song.

As my footsteps cross streets,

the parade of people becomes a galaxy, and I weave through, colliding.

With each step,

I emit a spark of light, neither rushed nor anxious,

gathering the world's scattered dreams and hopes.


陨石为枕 星光做被 梦的一端索住你的手



一点一点 轻抚这座巨大的冰山

With a meteor for a pillow and starlight as your blanket,

the edge of the dream holds your hand.

'How have you been lately?'

All my love becomes a gently pulsing heartbeat,

slowly, tenderly caressing this immense iceberg.


查看往期☞ #19又一个四季轮回
查看往期☞ #18我曾捡到一束光
查看往期☞ #13打开记忆里被尘封的玩具
查看往期☞ #12你想活出怎样的人生
查看往期☞ #10写给内心的风
查看往期☞ #92023年的总结
查看往期☞ #8冬日的仪式感
查看往期☞ #7我们身处现实却活在网络里
查看往期☞ #6房间藏匿着整个宇宙
查看往期☞ #5幸福是一场随机播放的慢电影
查看往期☞ #4寻找你心中的诗和远方
查看往期☞ #3有些故事要从一场雨说起
查看往期☞ #2你是否见过或亲历过来自世界的恶意
查看往期☞ #1关于六年的变化 
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